Hip Replacement

Significant improvement on your mobility and hip function.

What Is Hip Replacement?

The hip joint is one of the important parts of the human body as it supports the body weight and is responsible for our everyday activities such as standing, walking, and running. As we age, the hip joint experience wear & tear. This leads to inflammation at joint causing pain.
Common causes of hip pain include:
  • Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of hip pain. It usually occurs in people who are 50 years and older.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is another cause of hip pain. It is an autoimmune disease-causing chronic inflammation and damages to the joint.
  • Post traumatic arthritis of the hip joint can also cause hip pain. This is due to injury or fracture at the hip joint from physical trauma.
If your hip pain starts to interfere with daily activity & restricts your movement, you need to do something. Hip replacement is the surgery to remove worn-out or damaged hip joint and replace it with an artificial joint.

Benefit of Hip Replacement

Having hip replacement surgery provides numerous advantages as follows:
  • Relieve your hip pain and improve your quality of life.
  • The surgery is proven to be effective & safe with high success rate.
  • Significant improvement on your mobility and hip function, allowing you to maintain healthy life.
  • A hip replacement will remain to be effective for about 10 and 20 years, and in many cases can last a lifetime.
Find out if hip replacement surgery is for you. Make an appointment to discuss with our surgeon on the benefits & risks of undergoing hip replacement at Ko Specialist Medical Centre, Total Hip and Surgery Centre.
Low Risk

Our experienced surgeon and team always ensure optimal surgical condition for every surgery to deliver lowest risk possible to our patients.

Fast Recovery

Optimal pre-surgical care, sharpened surgical precision and high standard post surgery care ensure fast recovery.

Periodic Checkup

Regular post-op follow-up ensure our patients get long-term satisfaction from our surgery.

Book An Appointment

We are here to reduce your pain. Schedule an appointment now!